August 31, 2023

Unveiling Our Journey with CBS 2: Crafting Metal, Creating Community

Dive into the world of perforated metal as we take you behind the scenes of our recent feature on CBS 2. The H&K Perforating Companies, a steadfast presence in Chicago for over a century, opened its doors to the camera crew, showcasing not just our innovative products, but also our deep-rooted commitment to the communities we serve.

Shining a Spotlight on the Everyday Marvels

From the seemingly mundane holes in your microwave panels to the grandeur of architectural wonders, The H&K Perforating Companies has been adding precision to products that touch our lives daily. President and COO Andrew Strang proudly affirms, "If you've got a microwave that's made in the United States, it's likely our product." But our reach extends far beyond microwaves, touching industries like filtration and architecture.

More Than Metal: Building Community

Our journey isn't just about crafting metal; it's about nurturing the communities that surround us. Nestled in the heart of Austin for a century and Chicago for 140 years, we've made it our mission to not only hire locally but also give back. Our strong ties with West Side communities showcase our belief in the potential within our neighborhoods.

Michael Reese, a dedicated machinist with 49 years under his belt, emphasizes, "To be a company that's existed in a neighborhood in Chicago for 100 years, we take a lot of pride in that and to be able to give back to the community, whether it's employment, whether it's back to school, giving the kids back-to-school supplies, before they head back in a couple of days here, we take it to heart."

A Century in Austin: Celebrating with Purpose

This year marks a significant milestone for our Austin location, as we celebrate a century of craftsmanship and community bonds. In honor of this achievement, we hosted a vibrant back-to-school event. The festivities were brimming with joy, featuring the Jesse White Tumblers, live music, delectable food, and school supplies giveaways for the younger generation. This event not only celebrates our journey but also reinforces our commitment to empowering the future through education.

Crafting Connections, One Hole at a Time

Our collaboration with CBS 2 gave us a platform to showcase not only our innovative prowess but also our unwavering dedication to making a positive impact. As we continue to write the chapters of our journey, we are reminded that our success is intertwined with the growth and well-being of the communities we serve. The H&K Perforating Companies isn't just crafting metal; we're crafting connections, one hole at a time.

We invite you to explore the world of possibilities that perforated metal can offer. Whether you're seeking innovative solutions for your projects or aiming to collaborate with a company deeply rooted in its communities, The H&K Perforating Companies is here to accompany you on this journey. Reach out to us today to request a quote and let's embark on a path of creativity, craftsmanship, and collaboration. Together, we can shape a future that's both strong and interconnected.